FLOORVILLE – LALE.Teatr (Polska, Wrocław)


theatre director: Janka Jankiewicz-Maśląkowska, Tomasz Maśląkowski

direction, set design, musical setting: Janka Jankiewicz-Maśląkowska, Tomasz Maśląkowski

set design consultation, graphic setting: Mateusz Mirowski

cast: Janka Jankiewicz-Maśląkowska, Tomasz Maśląkowski

premiere date: 5 May 2012

An interactive performance for the very youngest, in which set design and music are created in front of the children and with their active 
participation. In the hands of actors and young viewers foil becomes water, peas – the inside of a rattle, flour turns into powder and paper 
becomes an absolutely universal material. 
The performance was created as part of the Actors’ Initiative Scene of the Wrocław Puppet Theatre.

[…] the theatre again became a friendly space for the very youngest. You walk into the auditorium barefoot and sit on soft cushions.  […]
In „Floorville” no-one is forbidden to barge on the stage. This performance should not only be watched. It’s perfectly alright to stand on
the stage, touch the actors or props and rip the set design.”

(Magda Piekarska, Gazeta Wyborcza, 7 May 2012)


The performance was awarded by the Polish ASSITEJ Centre with a „Certificate of High Quality and Artistic Level”.

audience age group: 1-5 years old

duration: 30 minutes + 15 minutes

Tickets available on-line:

Teatr Powszechny
im. Zygmunta Hübnera
ul. Jana Zamoyskiego 20
03-801 Warszawa
Bilety 22 818 25 16
22 818 48 19