CZŁOWIEK ZWANY ROLEX / MANDEN DE KALDTE ROLEX – Teatergruppen Batida (Denmark, Copenhagen)

author: Alex Byrne and Søren Ovesen

translated by: Alex Byrne

director: Alex Byrne
set designer: Nathalie Melbye
music: Batida

cast: Danay Anaya. Lene P Christiansen, Rasmus Glendorf, Simon Holm, Søren Ovesen, Karen Rasmussen, Tine Sørensen,
Maria Sonne, Per Thomsen

It could have been a Greek tragedy, but turns into a black comedy from the former Eastern bloc. The British director Alex
Byrne and the music/theatre company Batida have joined up to send us into this journey from not very far past. The story
is about a painter who was creating the paintings of the Great Leader. He meets a woman who causes many changes in his
mind. Their son grows up and become a policeman in the security, and he is the one to arrest his rebellious father. But
during the revolt in 1989, he turns his weapons against the Great Leader.

audience age group: 12+

duration: 65 minutes

Tickets available on-line:

Teatr Powszechny
im. Zygmunta Hübnera
ul. Jana Zamoyskiego 20
03-801 Warszawa
Bilety 22 818 25 16
22 818 48 19